Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart. While it’s true that there’s some luck involved, not only do you need a big idea, you also have to have the courage and tenacity to see it through. As a result, this means putting in long days for little to show for it. PlayUnmute Fullscreen VDO.AI Calendar - Calendar It’s because of the entrepreneur stereotype you can assume that entrepreneurs seem to be naturally more productive. And, because of the following ten traits that they possess, that assessment seems spot on. 1. Autonomy. Running your own business drives happiness and motivation. In turn, this boosts productivity? While not exactly surprising, why is this the case? It boils down to autonomy. “Basically, autonomy is having a job where you at least have some control over your job,” explains Deanna Ritchie in a previous Calendar article. “While more businesses are starting to offer this type of independence, running your own business achieves independence, adds Deanna. ...